Eglinton Public School

Good Citizenship

Telephone02 6337 1205

About our school

Eglinton Public School

Eglinton Public School has played a significant role within the Eglinton community for over 150 years.

Our school motto is Good citizenship.

Eglinton Public School provides a safe, supportive and quality learning environment for all its students.

We represent a diverse cultural and socio-economic community.

We endeavour to challenge each child to develop to the best of their ability.

Eglinton utilises the principles of Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports to ensure all members of our school community are safe, respectful, responsible and active learners.

We address individual student needs and specific group needs through the collaborative development of Teaching and Learning Programs and the utilisation of external and regional support.

Our school encourages all students to participate in a broad range of experiences including leadership initiatives through a Student Representative Council, the development of sporting programs and Creative and Practical Arts through our Dance Groups and Choir.

At Eglinton we strive to equip all students with the knowledge, skills and values needed to contribute effectively and successfully to society through a collaborative approach involving parents, staff, students and community.

Our school information booklet is available from the front office.