Eglinton Public School

Good Citizenship

Telephone02 6337 1205


About Us

Eglinton out of school hours care service (EOOSH) is a not for profit organisation managed by the Eglinton Public School Parents & Citizens Association.

EOOSH aims to provide a safe and nurturing enrivonment for children. We offer quality care in a fun, leisure based program which features both indoor and outdoor activities, suited to all school aged children.

EOOSH is open to all primary school children (including those not attending Eglinton Public School), however bookings are essential as places are limited.  Children may attend the service:

  • on a regular basis - daily, weekly
  • on a casual basis - as needed
  • during school holidays

About Us

Our Philosophy

We strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children and are committed to providing a quality, leisure based program that allows the children to choose how their time will be spent. We recognise that child initiated play and planned activities are equally important aspects of a child's development.

EOOSH provides a stimulating environment where children can be challenged and guided to develop skills in their social, physical and cognitive development. We believe all children irrespective of gender, culture and ability are unique and we aim to foster positive self-esteem in each child. Staff and management of EOOSH regard meeting the individual needs of all children and their families as a priority.

Riding Bikes


Breakfast is available at before school sessions for children who arrive before 8 am, afternoon tea is provided at the after school sessions. Both are provided at no additional cost.

Our menu is provided in accordance with NSW health guidelines and is displayed in the OOSH area with and changes noted. We aim to provide a variety of nutritious snacks including seasonal fruits. Water is available at all times and children are encouraged to bring a refillable water bottle to the service. All staff are trained in food handling and safety.

Please note: EOOSH does not provide meals during vacation care (unless specifically stated in the program).


A variety of excursions are offered during the vacation care program.  Activities and excursions planned for the upcoming holiday period can be found on the EOOSH web page or on Facebook.  Please note that planned excursions are compulsory and all children attending must wear closed in shoes and shirts with sleeves.


Fee Subsidies

Families may be eligible to receive a fee reduction through Centrelink's Child Care Benefit (CCB) or Child Care Rebate (CCR) Schemes.  

Please note: vacation care excursions and activies are an additional cost and are not eligible for a fee reduction.

Please contact the service for a current fee schedule.

Our approval numbers are as follows:

  • before school care 3PDRHV
  • after school care 3PDRKM
  • vacation care 3P84TO
  • provider PR – 00007118