Eglinton Public School

Good Citizenship

Telephone02 6337 1205

P and C

Eglinton P&C 

Educational research has shown that children whose parents are active in their school community, generally perform better at school. We are fortunate at Eglinton Public School to have an active and committed parent body.

The P & C would like to invite new members along to the committee meetings. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the staff room.

Please feel free to come along and join us. Even if you cannot make the meetings but would like to be kept up to date and/or help out with some of the events please make contact through the following email: and a P & C representative will get back to you. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The aim of the Eglinton P&C is to represent the attitudes and needs of the parents and community in the school and therefore to work as partners with the school in the education of our children. Parents have a right and a responsibility to have a voice in the decisions affecting our childrens' education, and the role of the P&C is to provide a venue where parents can be active in that decision making for the benefit of all students.

Many of the school's programs are run by P&C committees and provide services and support to the school community. As well as an Executive Committee, we have a;

  • Canteen Committee - runs the school canteen five days a week. This committee is actively involved in the implementation of the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy.
  • Eglinton Country Fair Committee- plans and runs our major fundraising event, the Eglinton Country Fair in February each year. It has been running for over 50 years and provides much-needed funds to various school programs. It is also a great community fun day, and well supported by people from all over Bathurst.
  • Band Committee - coordinates the running of the two School Bands and is responsible for the organisational and fundraising aspects of the School Band program.
  • Garden Club - this newly formed group  co-ordinates weekly activities in the recently built student garden.

The P & C plays an important role at school, coordinating fundraising for those extra things that the school may need, providing a link between parents and teaching staff, helping to coordinate Grandparents Day, Anzac wreaths, tea and tissues for new starters and presentation day book vouchers.  

To view the P & C Constitution and the Rules of the Association, please click on the following link.

P & C Constitution (pdf 100 KB)

Rules of Association (pdf 90 KB)